Magic Box Kepler App architecture

Mike Fabrikant
2 min readDec 9, 2018

This article is documentation on the Magic Box front-end application. Its purpose is to enable UNICEF staff to create and save useful maps. It was originally forked from the example app in the repo. We added a server back-end to make some external datasets available within the app.

There are two react-app repositories:

This article will focus on magicbox-kepler-app.

Clone this repository and check out dev branch.

In root directory there are two apps:

  • client
  • server

The first dataset we added were country boundaries. Browse to this demo. Then click “Select shapefile”. You’ll see a list of countries. Click on Indonesia, and then select admin level 2, wait a moment, and you’ll see this:

If you run the project locally you’ll only see a single country, Sierra Leone. This is because the server app checks if you have cloud credentials in a config file, and if not, shapefiles are served from the public dir.

If you had our creds, then the list of available countries would come from here:

What’s in our Azure blob storage account called ‘topojson’.

However, the cloud credentials will be set to dummy values in the sample configs, and so your list of available countries will come from public -> shapefiles -> countries.

Contents of the server app



  • Marcella Maki
  • Thoa Ta
  • Courage Angeh

